Monday, February 27, 2012

Trip by the Numbers

Hawks pointed out by bird-nerd Ed: 20
Planes identified as hawks: 1
Cheapest gas we've seen: $3.39 in MO
Sour gummy worms consumed: 38
Cops spotted in the speed trap state of Illinois: 7
Times we've heard "Higher Love" by Whitney Huston and not Steve Winwood: 2
Attempted pictures of state signs missed: 3 out of 8 (NY, OH, MO)
Gas station stops: 9
Turns missed prompting yelling at stupid tomtom: 4 (Ed-4, J-0)
Highest temp: 54 in MO
Horses barked at by dogs: 2
Meals consisting of nothing other than ice cream: 2
Hours gained: 1
Times passed by angry Fungwah bus drivers: 6
Times we've almost ran out of gas: 2
State borders crossed: 7
Miles down:1370


  1. That is .50 cheaper than I just paid yesterday......

  2. baaaaah hahaha. gotta love the road-trip-icecream-guilt-free-ness
