Monday, February 27, 2012

Buckeye State

Ohio, where the last thing worth painting a barn side for happened 9 years ago!
 (Bicentennial 1803-2003)

We all slept well last night! Reegen and Brody were glad to have an entire queen bed to themselves. The verdict is still out if Reegen kicked Brody off the bed in the middle of the night so the little princess could have the entire bed to himself while Brody slept on the ground. Hard tellin' not knowin'.

We were caught red handed by the video cameras sneaking the dogs in. It was a risk we were willing to take last night at 11:30pm. 

Check out this morning went a little something like this.
"Lets see, did you have dogs?"
Ed: "Nope."
"Our video cameras showed you walking in with dogs."
Ed: "Uh ..."
Begin staring contest.
Ed: "Yes, we had dogs. You guys run a tight ship."

In the end it was an extra $25.
Nice little reminder that honesty is the best policy.

Next stop, Indianapolis for some coffee with Erin Chapman!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see the blue sky this morning, hope it holds for you. God bless your day and your adventure. Love, mom
