Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Eat our dust Laramie!

This was our visibility for parts of the drive this morning!!

What we were trying to avoid. 
Everyone looked ok in the truck!


This is the only time during our trip the dogs didn't sleep! 
They could tell something was up! Smart little doggies!

Good news is that is behind us and the roads and conditions are looking better ahead of us! 
On a positive note, we were able to fill up for $2.99 this morning which was great! 
On a not so positive note, our 4WD light will not go off now even though we believe we turned it off.
 Hard tellin not knowin! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Glad you guys made it through all that ok! Hope you enjoy Jackson!! (You're only 2 weeks late!!)
