Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hostess with the Mostess

I hate that I haven't seen Kelsey since my wedding 2.5 years ago! She did such a great job with the Irish wedding blessing reading and although she did not attempt the Irish brogue she promised the night before, it was a hilarious moment once she started as I didn't know what was going to come out of her mouth!

She was an amazing host and prepared a delicious homemade meal for us consisting of baked ziti, veggies and garlic bread. Even though we had only been on the road for 2 days at the time, it seemed like such a treat to have a house to stay in and a warm meal to eat.

She also left me some pretty awesome notes and even had the Bachelor all queued up for me- how did she know?!         

Luckily Ruby was the sweetest little lady and Brody had no reason to display his dominance. By the morning they were best buddies!

Thanks Kelsey for your hospitality! Glad I get to see you in 2 months and we don't have to wait another 2 years! If only I could shove all of my friends into my u-haul trailer... why am I just now thinking of this?

1 comment:

  1. Stickin love this blog. I'm pretending im with the doggies in the back-seat jail instead of in these 4 walls of the school-jail.
