Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

5 miles to Jackson. Slow going from Pinedale as we hit a bunch of snow.
Winter never arrived in Mass but it's definitely here in WY!

Today is Wednesday and I’m sad I’m not heading to Coogan’s for karaoke night with the American Personnel crew. Luckily I have the memories to look back on: Rob walking in, taking a shot of Dr. Mc Gillicuddy’s  and jumping on stage to sing Johnny Cash, Greta getting numbers from the twin bartenders, creepy guys hitting on Veronica and handing out their business cards as she heads to the stage to sing Janice Joplin, and Manny KILLIN it with the most amazing rendition of I Want it That Way by the Backstreet Boys I have ever seen! Good times and great memories!

I am equally sad I will not be playing soccer tonight with Green Death, the best group of random people I have ever had the pleasure to play with. Who would have thought a group of 4 couples randomly assigned to a team could come together, bonded and been so dominate? I think out of the 6 seasons we played together we were the champions 4 times, could have been more seasons and more championships too, hard to keep track of all those wins. That time was extra special to me too because even though Ed hadn’t played soccer since he was 8, he offered to play with me and it as so much fun. It was amazing seeing how much he improved in such a short time and was handy having a “meathead” football player to take out players on the other team, male or female it didn’t matter.

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