Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Shout out to the hubster!

The drive from Cheyenne to Laramie last night was the scariest stretch of the trip so far. The temp dropped to 12, it was windy, icy and the pass was steep. Ed did such a great job driving slow and keeping all of us safe! We took a vote and Brody and I voted Ed the MVP of the trip for his excellent driving last night. Reegen of course voted for himself and feels he’s done the best job barking at cows, horses, protecting us from the Papa John’s delivery man and anyone else who walked by our hotel room! Either way Ed got 2 votes so he is officially the MVP of the trip and we are so appreciative of his patience and attention to safety. Even though he did set the alarm an hour early this morning because our phones are not changing with the time zones, I will let him keep his title! THANKS BABE FOR ALL YOU DO! I LOVE YOU!!

We are learning so much on this trip! While I was able to teach Ed the perfect scoop of a peanut buster parfait (a little more vanilla than fudge but a good amount of both, you don’t want one to overpower the other, and at least one peanut) he taught me the art of drafting behind trucks, the “3 second rule” (I shouldn’t pass an object the truck in front of me passed for at least 3 seconds) and let me know it’s actually not a race- what dude? Playing leap frog with the semis- I would get them on the straight-aways but they would always pass me on the hills. Drives me crazy!

1 comment:

  1. It looks clear & sunny on most of the WY web cams I just checked and I see it's cold. Hang on to your covered wagon and take it slow, Westward Ho!!!
