Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Pretty amazing we were able to get all the way to MO before we needed to call Bub with a car question.

The dipstick was dry but there didn't appear to be a leak, unless this rotator cuff below is not supposed to be wet? Hard tellin not knowin.
We just realized we must not have an oil light in this car or the bulb must be out because we were never notified of the zero oil in the tank, silly little details.
On a better note, the check engine light that has been on since we bought the car, but were told it simply had a "glitch", actually turned off somewhere in PA so we are golden!
 In all seriousness there doesn't seem to be an oil leak and now our dipstick is showing plenty of oil!
We are down a headlight but hoping to take care that in Jackson. 
Why do something today that you can put off until tomorrow right? Ed has adopted this motto with respect to changing his clothes. Don't worry, he has showered everyday but he's sticking with the lucky Bruins sweatshirt for the duration of the trip.


  1. Are you noticing any smoke coming out of the exaust pipe? If you hit the gas at a light or speed up to pass someone, look behind you, if you see smoke, you could be burning oil......which is not good. Keep an eye on it and we will check it out when we come over to Bend.

    1. Also, did the "check engine" light turn off after you added oil?
