Monday, March 5, 2012


A little slice of heaven where people pump your gas for you, shopping carts have cup holders, you can purchase beer and wine in grocery stores and the displays are cute, and something that costs $5 is only $5 because there is no sales tax!!

Bend welcomed us with a 60 degree bluebird day yesterday! It seriously felt like summer! We have been busy running around trying to get everything situated in our place but so far we love Bend and our house is awesome! The only room that is set up is Ed's office as he is back to work as of today!

We were a little nervous moving into a house we'd never seen before but it turned out great!! We have never had a garage before and are loving it! Same goes for the 2 guest bedrooms and guest bathroom. Come visit please!! 

The highlight for us and definitely the doggies has to be our fenced backyard complete with a horseshoe pit and 2 fire pits! We also have a front porch, back porch and backyard patio. The dogs are enjoying chasing each other in the backyard and Brody has seriously been doing laps for hours. 

Check out the link of Bro:

They also think the entire house is a dog bed and love it!
 (I guess we have never had carpet before, ha)

1 comment:

  1. Your place looks great and I can't wait to watch Ed in action in the war room.
